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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Day Dreaming Artist

      Riding in a car passing by miles of hills that look like they could have been a dinosaur camp grounds with the dinosaurs  all asleep with their backs humped high into a frosty gray morning sky . My mind is wondering in a relaxed manner though I am anxious . Here I go again putting myself out there and taking my place in a gallery group art show  for December through January . When  a door slams shut the loud bang noise produced  is  by far out lasted by imploding ear ringing noise of silence . Be that as it may , last nights fallen snow flakes cover smoke colored tree boughs   blanketing  inches high . I love to  think how wonderful the nature in this would is at playing their part so vallantly and   co-exist , each  an integral part of the large cycle of earth . Gazing through the cars window the snow covered boughs began to look like dinosaur bones of carcass remains in their final resting place . The mornings blustery winds hits  the car  in hard gales . These winds could have come from the  dinosaur breath to bring  fire of frozen  cold sting to mankind' s frail skin . Fire and ice , fire and ice , Robert Frost.....                                                                                                                                                                This interstate slices through rolling hills on both sides of the highway . At times the road appears as a center of a valley . Other times the road rides a top of the hill affording grand views . Today in avoidance of what faces me at the gallery  the hills again become sleeping   noble beasts , the  dinosaurs , long sense conquered passing into stardust or to become become fodder and fuel for mankind . It is with in a shroud of acceptance mankind passes into each day of their right to inhabit earth . Today all of yesterdays wrong and  sins are covered up in virginal  white snow . In spite of today's harsh elements and forgotten yesterday memories today continues forward . I will make it to the gallery . The ladies there will be nice to me .  They will complement my landscape  oil  paintings . I will feel pride even  if  the paintings do not sell . I never studied painting to become rich and famous . I studied  painting because  I loved art . I had passion to become an artist no matter what except to create art of which I felt nothing just for money .                          For years now I have had the pleasure and privilege  to continue creating new paintings . I have something to say  and art work is my dialect ,  amen  ! Into this frosty morning I go forward in good faith that I too have a right to speak  , even if no one hears or responds pleasantly to my paintings . For all I know an asteroid could crash into  earth's surface to fill the blue tent of atmosphere and we take for granted .  We

 too will become tomorrows sleeping beasts and fodder for the next inhabitants of earth .    

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