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Friday, June 29, 2018

Artist Art Work Opening Show at The Bundy Museum of Art and History Binghamton NY .Oil Paintings by Thomas J Nixon, Show Title Adult Care Giving

Here I go again stepping up to home plate with feet firmly grounded in the dirt covering earth. Every Artist/Batter chooses his or her day . At the end inning and fanfare left to linger behind to a blind eye or death ear, my art work. Opening evening I will bow prostrate with an extended leg and flat back kissing a man made carpet of worsted wool of the finest quality.You the viewer will decide good or bad and decide is it art? Behold hanging on white gallery walls my art work vulnerable and exposing my soul expressed with oil paint  on wood. In a valley surrounded by rolling hills on the third floor of The Bundy Museum my art awaits my your visit. Already I ask why I created the paintings-

-your visit. Already I ask why I created the paintings? My guess is I do not know when to shut up. Being stubborn is not a virtuous quality. From birth day through out life I have never given up painting . I always have something to say with paint and drawing . Using Art as expression for me is an inherent quality giving me the strength and determination to go forward. Perhaps I will live on to paint more with resounding notes left to echo off  the Southern Tiers rolling hills. For now this opening night is my short lived 15 minuets of fame.
                                                            painting detail by Thomas J Nixon

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