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Monday, November 14, 2016


Three o'clock afternoon sun lists from south to west casting shadows in two directions  . Puffy white cloud that swiftly float above through a blue tent of atmosphere cast shadows on not so old hemlock clap board . Maple trees are taking on their autumnal color  . Preparing for all hollows   eve ,  ghosts appear in translucent  black oil  forms . Realities co-habit  making  dual perceptions . Soon the ghosts will a dance macabe  preform  in celebration of remembrance  that they two once lived here in this very very fine house . Nay these ghosts were the ones who built the dwelling . Having survived  civil  war their sum equals our today and will be realized  all hollows eve . Flotsam and jetsam a cargo of yesterday siege  hold of today and we shall humbly remember them and be thankful for all their battles and demons past  . Reverberating echoes in the here and now neither east nor west , pierce chirping crickets  and the hips of the last roses of a summer past .

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