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Friday, October 27, 2017


The river flowing slow and glass like reflects autumnal leaves a top of which resting to the opposite river bank a clear blue cold sky . Road side traffic too is flowing in its own ant like fashion to never ending missions and endless texts .                                                                                                              Desire burns in my heart powered by passions governed  by the new and unknown . Fair youth with golden hair stairs at me unhindered with clear blue warm eyes . My mind shouts Hay shoto dancer  not quite ...... I question, at your age  how con you be so naive ? With your  physical build  and attributes  of handsomeness ! You have never sailed to the other shore ? Do you want to sail to the same shore ? You are dancing with me and around me .                                                                             It has become a gamble  I dare not take . But day dream I do partake . At night time too while sleeping and dreaming does come too , you shoto  dance around me . I must insist I can not  take it and am driven half mad .                                                                                                                               Definite is the destruction lurking to my right with  terminal conclusions to the left waiting to engulf me and the house of cards with in which I live .  It is doom if I taste unbridled fruit . Doom if I succumb to ripeness acting out  . Doom  if even I dare .                                                                             A straight and narrowest of path lays ahead for me  , and walk ahead I must like the river flowing  forward reflecting flawless the  autumnal colors of my life against a clear blue cold sky . Road side traffic will continue in its ant like fashion to never ending missions and endless texts .

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