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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thank You Both

   I am thinking of my father deceased 10 years . I am thinking of my mother deceased 5 months . Today we ate turkey , the gift of my mother a few months back . Both of  my parents younger years were not  my times .Their younger years were the Great Depression Years . The whole country of The United States of America in a state of depression of significant scale  . Theirs were years of rations . Rations of foods . Rations of  gas and oils .Theirs were the years of families loosing their homes . Their younger years were the years of the great dust storms . Their formative years governed how they raised their children , me and my siblings .                                                                                           My parents younger years became their tools to educate their children . Hours spun onto years as my parents memory stories  schooled us children . Most of the stories  had pleasant  antidotal  endings . Others of their stories ended sadly with melancholcal endings . Indeed the basest of tools teach a good lesson when the tools are used well .                                                                                                   Today my stomach is full . I feel the love that my parents had for one and other and their children  as a blessing unmeasurable . I am truly thankful to have had such wonderful parents and take their lessons of life and love to the bank of daily life every day to my very  last . 

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