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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday Beginings

Saturday Beginings by t.nixon85
Saturday Beginings, a photo by t.nixon85 on Flickr.

Looks like a beautiful day is already under way . Clear skies provide a perfect backdrop for warm yellow sunshine . A crisp aroma of decaying vegetation wafts upward on fairy like currents . The morning symphony of nature sounds and calls plays out in its own lyrical pattern . Last nights glistening frost has all burned off adding moisture to cool autumn air . All wild life is hard at work in searching for their breakfast . Inside the house the dining table has been set . Soon prepared food on plate will appear next to silverware on napkin . Being alive in this world and enjoying another morning resplendent in wonders big or small is rich reward . A dislike of poverty and a constant need of income is breakfast enough on this glorious saturday begining .

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