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Friday, May 25, 2012

Scent of Purple Blue

Scent of Purple Blue by t.nixon85
Scent of Purple Blue, a photo by t.nixon85 on Flickr.

The purple wisteria blooms dangling down like chandelier bobbles have arrived at their peek . The honey and bumble bees are drunk on purple blue nectar . Humming birds in flight have their turn at the sweet drink cocktail hour . Butterfly flit in and out from blossom to blossom like colorful fancy fans . The wisteria vine grows curly winding branches binding structures and trees to earth . Wisteria leaves fill out like ostrich plumes providing shelter and safety to many a squirrel and bird . It is always cooler on bright sunny days under a pergola in the lush vine . Under the wisteria blossoms the air is perfumed with purple scent which lulls one to sleep and an early day dream or to read a good book .

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