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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spring Ritual

Spring Ritual by t.nixon85
Spring Ritual, a photo by t.nixon85 on Flickr. This morning's dandilions wait with upturned heads to catch sunshine . Nearby a floral ring around the rosie  dance and song are taking place . Breezes sensously sway new green fronds and leaves like hula skirts . In the waking meadows wild flowers are visual balanced breakfast . Exploding stamen shoot  pollen through smoking pistils . These are a few of life's many warring struggles to carry on . The season s ready for an annual Stravinsky Rite of Spring  Renaissance . Rams horns will lock in battle with the stronger genes carrying on . Keen  eyed mothers will hunt for food for their yong  . Earth's surface erupts as roots expand forcing life out of dirt . This morning is prelude to an afternoon  for  the fauna of a new spring .

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