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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Loon that did not Cry

The Loon that  did not Cry by t.nixon85
The Loon that did not Cry, a photo by t.nixon85 on Flickr.


  1. Lovely. Could be anywhere..if camera were closer to level of water, would that show more of lake background? or loose lovely loon detail? hmmm?

  2. http://www.xs4all.nl/~pal/sounds/loon.wav

  3. copy and paste above...

    Common Loon
    L: Gavia immer
    UK: Great Northern Diver
    D: Eistaucher
    F: Plongeon imbrin
    NL: IJsduiker

  4. The common loon is the most primitive bird on the planet, almost unchanged in body plan from Hesperornis, an aquatic bird from 100 million years ago (a classic design). Most birds have hollow bones for low weight. The loon's bones are solid to facilitate easy diving. These birds have been known to dive to depths of 600 feet in pursuit of a fishy meal. They fly fast and low, despite being heavy. They're large birds! If you have never had the eiry thrill of Loons on Oquaga Lake -- well, sorry and maybe someday soon. They will leave for quieter places when the humans come back.
