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Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Hours

The final painting in  my painting series on Caregiving . Title ; The Hours . Oil painting on wood . 20"x 30"   . Painting and text by Thomas J . Nixon  . The hours  ; The falling april snows glisten in bright yellow morning sunshine . Life is progressing on this planet in a clear glass globe shaken up and turned right side up again . Lives shaken up settle like white snow flakes taking up root where they melt on landfall  . Spring birds sing their songs loudly to carry on their life line . It is now that memories of my times with you  flood my thoughts of  like waters shedding off hillsides . When in ruins your castle stood your foundation was made of granite . When cancer attacked you bravely and strong  you faced life's final battles .  Clearly now i remember  her voice asking me " Do you know what a yidden is ? i always replied " i  know     you !!  Now days i find new purpose and sing with the birds of spring .

Friday, September 26, 2014

Dark Waltzing the Seasons Together ; oil painting and text by thomas j nixon

We reside  on the precipice of constant awareness  of  limited time together . Nevertheless  the houses of our spirits trudge  ahead on corse to their own demise . One , two , three  , one , two , three ,  dark waltzing the seasons together . Our stardust never deceases and will constantly catapult amongst light beams and other energies dark waltzing seasons forever . 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Caregivers Prayer text and 20 x 30 oil painting on wood , by thomas j nixon

Caregivers Prayer ; i will help you wash your hands with warm water and soap . Your daily troubles collect on soapy iridescent  bubbles and flow down the wash basin drain . All will be well , all will be right , one more day and perhaps a night . 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Aztec Ruins 30 x 30 oil painting bt thomas j nixon

Traveled on auto train  with Americas country side blurredly passing by  . Then on  blue oceans waters which  constantly  slapped our   ships side . The ships  engine labor and humming were  a constant accompaniment to our hearts beating . Anticipation of islands respite in quite waters .  On this  islands calm shores we wandered through ancient Aztec ruins  with our heads in the clouds and our feet barley touching ground

Thursday, September 4, 2014

                                                Symphony of The Last Rose of Summer          : oil painting and text by ; thomas j nixon                                                                                                                                                         The  last roses of summer are blooming is good company . A rose garden symphony is playing out it's final movement . All crescendo have risen on cue to an orchestra conductor's magical wand . A sweet wild rosy perfume  floats away on musical notes to outer space oblivion . Memories of a well lived and full of love life float away like the final breaths of life's sweet  aroma .                                                     She too is going away to join so many who have traversed before her . Already she contemplates where  they went . Their crossing the threshold always brought a tear to her eye  as she respectfully waved a hand good by .So  fondly in her heart their memories always remained . As the  last roses  of summer pail and die her minds eye visits another side of life . It is while on that side she communes with the past . Visions as thin as dried rose petals expose  dead relatives and she talks to these shadow less ghosts . In the dwindling roses of summer  autumn like her awaits gracefully . Respectfully ghosts from her past wave now  to her and softly as rose petals call out her name .  Soon Jack Frost's cold and flaming kiss will usher in autumn  and the last roses of summer symphony will conclude as the orchestra plays ti- dumb ,dumb , dumb .

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Hours ; oil painting on wood by t . j . nixon -20 x 30

In blazing hot sunlight of day no shadow of doubt remained . As the side effects of a cancer growing inside you kept you from sitting down or laying down i held you up . All of the hours of doubt , anxiety  and hope faded awa y . So this was how it was going to end . No place to run to and no place to hide from the truth . Both feet barely implanted on ground for  much longer . Already white feathers were rustling and filling with air ! Angel wings became flexed to be ready for a flight . A care-givers tasks culminated in the  giving of comfort and pain management . Bitter sweet are the final good-byes . It has now become a time of hospice in the final hours . Soon a quite will set in as the hours dwindle into moments  .  A silence will take the place of your labored breathing .  It became a time for all  to  go to their homes .                                                                                                         Now the hours bring in falling april snow flakes glistening in bright light  . Life carries  on  like  a glass  globe filled the water from the melted snows .  Every day the  globe is  being shaken up and down the right side up again . The lives that are shaken up topsey-turvey settle like the snow flakes . Some snow flakes melt as quickly as they land . Other snow flakes take up root where they land .                                                                                                                        For hours now birds sing their songs of purpose  and amour  . It is the hours like these that i remember my times with you . When in ruins your castle stood
its core foundation was made of granite .  When the cancer attacked you how  bravely you faced lives final hours .                                                                                                                                                             It is in clearety now that i  remember  the question you frequently asked me " Do you know what  a yidden is ? i would  always reply :  i know you !!                                                                         Now it is from the root of memory i feel i knew what a yidden  is and was , especially in the final hours .

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Shock and Awe  20 x 30 oil painting by t . j . nixon

We experienced many hours of looking at paintings in museums and galleries .There were times when we would talk about the painting as we looked at them . Pausing at the  large painting by Salvador Dali"s 17 foot tall great painting ' Santiago El Grande painted in 1957 we experienced a sudden jolting shock and were in awe of the masterpiece .  In the painting Dali painted Saint James  a first martyred  saint riding a white horse over the sky of Spain  as a protector . A nuclear bomb has exploded beneath the horse's hind legs . Mankind is vaporizing from the bombs blast . Soul are turning into angles and smoke . There is an upward movement of clouds , angles and souls towards the heavens or outer space .  A Christ like figure ascends upwardly over all . Yes it was most shockingly  awesome to rest our on  Salvador  dali's  masterpiece painting . As a care-giver the memory of this day haunts me .So much in our lives is fragile and fleeting . Our  todays may turn into our tomorrows . What about humanity ?

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Honor of Entertaining ; oil painting and text by thomas j nixon

                                                        The Honor of Entertaining ;       Reading out loud when the wisteria  bloomed and the air was full with sweet floral scent .  Wine warmed our tongues and tasted as sweet . The Fisherman gave his soul away to wander the dregs  of earth with out a heart . i cried at the stories end when the Fisherman and the Mermaid died at the oceans edge . As tears flowed and my voice began to quack  i lowered my head in embarrassment  . She  too had been moved by Wild's  story . Her eyes locked onto mine and she leaned closer to me . Tears were in her eyes too. i continued to read... and the mermaid came out of the ocean again to be near to the fisherman. The mermaid held the fisherman into her arms  and there they died together . The priest  who had harbored hate and misunderstanding for their kind  of love came around with a softened heart . In his change of thinking about this unusual couple the priest buried  them together  in a barren field by the oceans edge . Forever after the field bore lavender lilies  . The world became a kinder place .

Labor Day ; oil painting and text by thomas j nixon

Most days floated by on smooth waters living in a house boat where i was sorta a captain . Mornings usually started with a hearty breakfast . This Labor  Day morning arrived with bright sunlit clear reflections on the waters surface . Memories of yesterdays mingled with todays reality . An outlook for hope will be a difficult challenge .  Cancer is a wake up call like no other .  Soon my inner screaming will end  a quite despair .